Doximity: 5 Medical Specialties with the Largest Gender Pay Gaps in 2023

  1. Orthopaedic Surgery: 15.50% ($661,801 for men; $559,223 for women)
  2. Gastroenterology: 15.48% ($525,931 for men; $444,511 for women)
  3. Colon & Rectal Surgery: 14.96% ($468,984 for men; $398,802 for women)
  4. Pediatric Gastroenterology: 14.69% ($302,556 for men; $258,098 for women)
  5. Ophthalmology: 13.87% ($484,409 for men; $417,212 for women)
Notes: From a survey of over 1,100 U.S. physicians, actively serving in clinical practice, across a broad range of medical specialties.

Source: "Physician Compensation Report 2024," Doximity, May 2024 -…